"Poll SCM" polls the SCM periodically for checking if any changes/ new commits were made and shall build the project if any new commits were pushed since the last build, whereas the "build" shall build the project periodically irrespective to whether or not any changes were made.
Jenkins GitHub Webhook is used to trigger the action whenever Developers commit something into the repository. It can automatically compile or deploy applications if there are no errors detected.GitHub Webhook is better than Poll SCM.
"Poll SCM" polls the SCM periodically for checking if any changes/ new commits were made and shall build the project if any new commits were pushed since the last build, whereas the "build" shall build the project periodically irrespective to whether or not any changes were made.
Jenkins GitHub Webhook is used to trigger the action whenever Developers commit something into the repository. It can automatically compile or deploy applications if there are no errors detected. GitHub Webhook is better than Poll SCM.
why bcoz webhook will reduce CPU usgae/process.