So they are trying to ask you how many web Applications youa re working on. Suppose if you have 20 Websites, all 20 will have Prod/Stage and Dev Environments, so for each Environment you will have CICD Pipeline or if you use parameterized job in Jenkins you can use 1 job only for stage and Prod whereas as that you will run manually for security reasons whereas Dev Env you can automate the pipeline on webhook push to github.
So they are trying to ask you how many web Applications youa re working on. Suppose if you have 20 Websites, all 20 will have Prod/Stage and Dev Environments, so for each Environment you will have CICD Pipeline or if you use parameterized job in Jenkins you can use 1 job only for stage and Prod whereas as that you will run manually for security reasons whereas Dev Env you can automate the pipeline on webhook push to github.